What is the world record for the longest kiss?

What is the world record for the longest kiss?

58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds

What’s the longest FaceTime call ever?

The longest FaceTime call was 88 hours 53 minutes and 20 seconds.

What is the world record for not talking?

Eric R. Brewster ’14 and Avery A. Leonard ’14 fought off drooping eyelids and the urge to sleep last week as they held a phone conversation that lasted for 46 hours, 12 minutes, 52 seconds, and 228 milliseconds—potentially setting a new world record..

Who is the loudest screamer in the world?

The current shouting record has been held by Annalisa Wray since 1994. At the Citybus Challenge in Belfast, Northern Ireland, she ironically yelled the word “quiet” to a level of 121.7 dBA. That’s almost as loud as a jet engine! Classroom assistant Jill Drake holds the scream title at an ear-piercing 129 dBA.

How long was the longest call in the world?

46 hours, 12 minutes, 52 seconds

Which is the longest phone in the world?

The largest functioning mobile phone is a scaled up Samsung SCH-r450. It measures 4.57 x 3.42 x .

What is the longest zoom call ever?

The longest zoom meeting in the world took 23 hours and 39 minutes. That is 1,419 minutes. It was a call that started at 8am on Wednesday, May 13. It was an initiative by Jono and Ben whose goal was to do a full 24 hours of zoom call.

Do you get paid for breaking a world record?

Guinness World Records do not pay any money to those who break or set records. However, they do award an official certificate of the achievement free of charge. The individual holding Guinness World Record becomes famous and gets sponsors for organizing various events to earn money.

What is the easiest world records to break?

Here are some records in the Guinness World Records book that you can try beating.

  • Most hamburgers eaten in three minutes.
  • Fastest time to drink 500 ml of water.
  • Fastest time to build a 30 level Jenga tower.
  • Most sticky notes stuck on face in 30 seconds.
  • Most marshmallows eaten in one minute.

Who had the most babies?

Feodor Vassilyev

What do you do if you beat a world record?

If you are successful, congratulations – you will receive an official Guinness World Records certificate (further certificates and merchandise can be purchased in the GWR Store). If not, do not give up, you can apply again or pick a different record to attempt.

What are some world records to break?

Here are some Guinness World Records that you might be able to beat!

  • Largest collection of teddy bears.
  • Most jelly eaten with chopsticks.
  • Most spoons balanced on face.
  • Fastest time to put together Mr.
  • Most coins stacked.
  • Most hula hoops spun at once.
  • Most walnuts crushed by hand in one minute.
  • Tallest sandcastle.