What is this word afford?

What is this word afford?

To afford means you have enough money or time for something. If you only have ten dollars on you, you can’t afford to buy a twenty-dollar hat. Afford is a verb that has to do with means. You either have a surplus and therefore can afford something, or else you have a deficit and can’t.

How do you use the word affront?

(1) His refusal to see me was an affront. (2) He took his son’s desertion as a personal affront. (3) Your behaviour is an affront to public decency. (4) He regarded the comments as an affront to his dignity.

What does novice mean?

1 : a person who has no previous experience with something : beginner a novice at skiing. 2 : a new member of a religious community who is preparing to take the vows of religion. More from Merriam-Webster on novice. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for novice.

How do you use quotidian?

Quotidian sentence example

  1. Taking the dog on a walk is a quotidian event for the elderly couple.
  2. Her mundane, quotidian routine was beginning to bore her, so she started looking for a new job.
  3. She hoped to not live a quotidian life, but one full of surprises and adventures.

What is quotidian life?

Quotidian is a fancy way of saying “daily” or “ordinary.” Quotidian events are the everyday details of life. When you talk about the quotidian, you’re talking about the little things in life: everyday events that are normal and not that exciting.

What is a prosaic?

prosaic • \proh-ZAY-ik\ • adjective. 1 : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : factual 2 : dull, unimaginative 3 : everyday, ordinary.

What does nebulous mean?

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a nebula : nebular. 2 : indistinct, vague … this nebulous thing called jazz. — Josef Woodard … the nebulous region between mere suspicion and probable cause— W. R.

What does embodied mean?

1 : to give a body to (a spirit) : incarnate. 2a : to deprive of spirituality. b : to make concrete and perceptible. 3 : to cause to become a body or part of a body : incorporate. 4 : to represent in human or animal form : personify men who greatly embodied the idealism of American life— A. M. Schlesinger born 1917.