What is Washington state deferred compensation program?

What is Washington state deferred compensation program?

As a UW employee, you’re eligible to participate in Washington state’s Deferred Compensation Program (DCP), a retirement plan that offers you another opportunity to maximize your tax-advantaged savings. Because DCP is a voluntary savings program, you can start, stop, or change your contributions at any time.

Which states have the most sunshine?

Here are the 10 states with the most sun:

  • Arizona (5,755)
  • New Mexico (5,642)
  • Nevada (5,296)
  • Texas (5,137)
  • California (5,050)
  • Colorado (4,960)
  • Oklahoma (4,912)
  • Kansas (4,890)

What is the USA most known for?

Well known for its history, its film industry, its music industry and its dozens of unique and historic monuments, the United States is one of the greatest cultural, political and economic powers in the world. Some key information about the US : Capital : Washington. Population : millions.

Who is the most famous American ever?

Top Twenty-five

  • Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States (1981–89).
  • Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States (1861–65).
  • Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights activist.
  • George Washington, 1st president of the United States (1789–97).
  • Benjamin Franklin, author, inventor, statesman, and scientist.

What is the most visited place in America?

Times Square

What are the famous landmarks in America?

Top 10 Landmarks In America

  1. Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz Island.
  2. Golden Gate Bridge. Golden Gate Bridge.
  3. Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln Memorial.
  4. Grand Central Terminal. Grand Central Terminal.
  5. USS Arizona Memorial. USS Arizona Memorial.
  6. Empire State Building. Empire State Building.
  7. Statue of Liberty. Statue of Liberty.
  8. Brooklyn Bridge.

Which US landmark is longest?

7 of the Largest Constructed Monuments in the United States

  • Gateway Arch, St. Louis.
  • The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. The Washington Post Getty Images.
  • The Statue of Liberty, New York City. Gary Hershorn Getty Images.
  • Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.
  • Space Needle, Seattle.
  • USS Arizona Memorial, Honolulu.
  • Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.

What is the biggest landmark in the US?

Gateway Arch

What state has the most historical landmarks?

New York

What is the most iconic state?

1 California (Popular): The Golden State Dotted with iconic national parks, golden bridges, Hollywood, giant redwoods, and more, California has much to offer anyone from the reality show-obsessed to the hipster PNW nature lover.