Which of the following is an example of an internal conflict?

Which of the following is an example of an internal conflict?

an internal conflict is an example with oneself (for example: should I be healthy and exercise or should i have this cake and feel happy about it;) ) – so the correct answer is character vs. self. the remaining options are external conflicts.

What are some examples for internal and external conflict?

External Conflict Definition

  • In an external conflict, a character may be struggling against another character, the natural world, or society.
  • External conflict is defined in contrast to internal conflict, in which the struggle is between a character and themselves—for example, between selfish and selfless impulses.

How do you show internal conflict in writing?

The only way internal conflict works as a story device for emotional arc is when the reader is aware of the conflict in the protagonist. The best way to show this to readers is to use subtext. This is a more advanced fiction writing tool, but if you can master subtext you’ll take your writing to another level.

What type of conflict is illness?

Also known as a “character vs. self” conflict, internal conflict involves a psychological struggle that takes place within a character, caused by their own emotions, fears, conflicting desires, or mental illnesses.

How do you use internal conflict in a sentence?

Internal conflict in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Wanting to get a divorce created an internal conflict for Dave since he also didn’t want to hurt his wife.
  2. The actress performed a monologue to show how the character’s internal conflict was creating an inner struggle within her mind.

How do you solve internal conflict?

STOP IGNORING AND MUTING THE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD. To resolve your internal conflict, you must honor the conversation your self-knowledge is trying to have with you. Treat your brain, heart, and mind like you would treat someone you love deeply. Listen intently and feel your way through what you may be trying to silence.