Who does Mr Underwood hate?

Who does Mr Underwood hate?


Why does Aunt Alexandra not allow Calpurnia’s home?

Alexandra does not want Scout to visit Cal’s neighborhood because she is prejudiced regarding African Americans. Alexandra also believes Cal is a bad influence on Scout and feels the Finch family should distance itself from the African American community in the wake of the Tom Robinson trial.

Why do Dill and Scout think Boo Radley never left?

Why do Dill and Scout think Boo Radley never left? He had no place to go. He had no money of his own. He could not read and write.

What evidence is there that JEM is growing up?

What evidence indicates that he is growing up and changing? Jem no longer wants to play the usual games with Scout. He corrects her behavior, and he spends time in his room or reading. “He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.” He eats a lot more than he used to eat.

What does aunt Alexandra forbid Scout from doing?

Aunt Alexandra believes that upper-class families should not mingle with lower-class families and fears that Scout will pick up on Walter’s bad habits. She views the Cunningham family as beneath them and forbids Scout from playing with Walter despite the fact that he is a well-behaved child.

Why does Aunt Alexandra not want scout with Walter?

Aunt Alexandra doesn’t want Scout to play with Walter because he is “trash”. Jem said, “I think I’m begging to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time…it’s because he wants to stay inside.” Why does he say that?

Why does Aunt Alexandra think Scout dull?

Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout is dull because she hasn’t had a woman’s influence in her life. Scout knows nothing of the way a lady should act in society. She disapproves of the way Scout acts and the things she says.

Why has Aunt Alexandra decided to live with the Finch family?

Aunt Alexandra comes to live with Atticus’s family to help care for Jem and Scout. Alexandra feels that the children need a feminine influence, despite the fact that the two were raised by Calpurnia.

Why does Aunt Alexandra say she is going to be staying with them?

Aunt Alexandra comes to stay with the family because since Atticus is away she feels the need to try and help out. When she see’s how much of a “tomboy(n. 假小子)” Scout is she tries to lead her in the direction of a typical lady. She seems kind of pushy and bossy towards everyone.

Is Scout happy to have Aunt Alexandra?

Scout and Jem are not happy about their Aunt Alexandra coming to live with them. They accept Atticus’s decision to have Aunt Alexandra stay with them, but the kids are not thrilled about it. Atticus is not necessarily thrilled about it either, but he is the one that did ask for her presence.

What does aunt Alexandra think of Atticus’s parenting?

She disapproves of Atticus’ parenting style and disagrees with how he allows Scout to dress and behave like a “tomboy.” She also feels that Atticus needs to do a better job of instilling a sense of pride in their family heritage. Alexandra even petitions Atticus to teach his children about the Finch family history.

Why is scout so angry with Uncle Jack?

Jack spanks Scout because she beats up Aunt Alexandra’s grandson for calling Atticus a cruel name. As a result, Uncle Jack spanks Scout without hearing her reason for acting so violently. He has warned Scout not to fight with people if they talk badly about him.

How does Aunt Alexandra treat Scout?

Scout has little in common with her aunt and purposely tries to avoid Alexandra. Alexandra also views Scout as being “dull” because Scout rarely speaks to her when the family gets together. Overall, Aunt Alexandra feels that Scout is an immature tomboy that needs to develop manners as well as social skills.

What does Scout find in her bedroom when she is sent to bed?

Scout discovers something under her bed. She calls Jem in and they discover Dill hiding there. Dill has run away from home because his mother and new father did not pay enough attention to him. Dill eats, then gets into Jem’s bed to sleep, but soon climbs over to Scout’s bed to talk things over.

What does Scout think is under her bed at first?

Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. What does Scout think is under her bed at first? Scout thinks at first that a snake is under her bed.

How does JEM show he is growing up in Chapter 14?

In Chapter 14, after Scout gets an attitude with Aunt Alexandra, Jem tries to tell her that she needs to stop antagonizing Alexandra for the sake of Atticus. Jem is displaying his maturation by understanding his father’s growing anxiety due to the upcoming trial, and attempts to discuss his sister’s attitude.

What did Scout think she stepped on as her bed?

As Scout prepared for bed, she stepped on something warm and dry, but when she turned on the light, it had disappeared under her bed. She called Jem thinking it was a snake, and he got the broom to sweep it out. It turned out to be Dill hiding under her bed.

Why does Dill want a baby with Scout?

However, Dill and Jem also spend time together in more boyish pursuits, leaving Scout out, which annoys her. Bringing up a baby with Scout is just another way of seeking the happiness he so desires–by “the magic of his own inventions” in “his own twilight world.”

What does Scout step on in her room?

In chapter 14 when Scout and Jem are sent to bed early for fighting, Scout goes in to her room and steps on something “warm, resilient, and rather smooth” (Lee, chapter 14). Scout assumes that it is a snake and calls Jem to help her.

Why was Mrs Dubose the bravest person Atticus knew?

When Jem had to go and read to her, he was an important player in her plans. Atticus thought of Mrs. Dubose as the bravest person because although she was in pain and dying, Mrs. Dubose was determined to break her habit.

Who does Atticus think is the bravest person?

Mrs. Dubose

How does Mrs Dubose show true courage?

In chapter 11, Mrs. Dubose demonstrates true courage by battling and conquering her addiction to morphine before she dies from a chronic disease. Mrs. Dubose knew that she only had a short time to live and promised herself that she would die addiction-free.

What did Mrs Dubose want to do before she died?

What did Mrs. Dubose vow to do before she died? She vowed that she would wain herself off of the morphine addiction.