Who is the mystery guy in fallout shelter?

Who is the mystery guy in fallout shelter?

The snarky robot Mr. Handy makes an appearance in Fallout Shelter, and he’s even more useful than in the PC games. He is unlocked via Mr. Handy boxes, which can either be unlocked through finishing objectives or purchased for just under a dollar.

Who is the stranger in Fallout 4?

In Fallout 4, the Mysterious Stranger is middle-aged and has a mustache. His coat is buttoned shut rather than being tied. His outfit is also no longer unique to him and can be found in the wasteland. The Mysterious Stranger uses the standard issue .

Is the mysterious stranger the Lonesome Drifters dad?

Background. The Lonesome Drifter was born in 2253 in a small town in Montana. His childhood was marred by the sudden departure of his father, a real “mysterious feller” even while he was with his mother.

Is Mysterious Stranger worth it New Vegas?

Its worth it just for the sake of something different, its quite unique as far as perks go. I remember in FO3 I was about to be killed by a Behemoth who ambushed me and all of a sudden the Mysterious Stranger shows up and blows the living bejezzus out of him with that Magnum.

How often does mysterious stranger appear?

Once you’ve heard the sound effect though, you’ll have roughly 7-10 seconds to locate him within your vault, if you failed to find him you’ll hear another piano tone play and he’ll disappear. Fear not though, he tends to re-appear every few minutes.

Can you lose fallout shelter?

If there’s a way to lose at Fallout Shelter, I haven’t found it. You can set yourself back a bit if there’s a fire or if some of your dwellers are injured/die, but with enough time, you will always overcome.

Can you show me some offline games?

10 best offline Android games to play right now

  • Alto’s Odyssey.
  • Minecraft.
  • Oxenfree.
  • Her Story.
  • Mini Metro.
  • Stardew Valley.
  • Hidden Folks.
  • Monument Valley 2.