Why can I not change my relationship status on Facebook?

Why can I not change my relationship status on Facebook?

You must be a confirmed Facebook friend with the person you are setting as your relationship partner. If the person is already in a relationship with someone else, Facebook will not let you make the change.

How do you know if someone declined your relationship request on Facebook?

You can tell if someone declined your request by clicking the “Edit” button for the “Basic Information” box in your “About” section. If you no longer see the person’s name in the “Relationship Status” section of the form, that person declined your request.

Can I change my relationship status without notifying everyone?

You can prevent relationship changes from being seen by anyone except you. This means the change won’t show up in your friends’ News Feeds. While editing your profile under ‘Family and Relationships’, change the privacy filter to ‘Only Me’.

When should I update my relationship status on Facebook?

It’s not a good idea to change your status before you’ve talked to your partner about it, especially if you’re going to name them as the person you’re in a relationship with. How soon is too soon? Young people are more likely to change their relationship status within days of starting to see someone new.

How do I make my relationship status show up on my timeline?

To add a relationship as a life event on your profile:

  1. Go to your profile and click About, then Life Events.
  2. Select the type of relationship or event you’d like to add.
  3. Use the audience selector (https://www.facebook.com/help/) to choose who you want to share this with.

What happens when you change relationship status on Facebook?

Facebook Help Team If you change your status to in a relationship, it will be shown on your Timeline and in your friends’ News Feeds. To limit who can see your relationship status, you can change your privacy settings. This question has been closed.

How do I change my Facebook profile without notifying everyone?

How to Change Facebook Information Without Notifying Everyone

  1. Go to your Facebook Timeline and click the “Update Info” button.
  2. Click the “Edit” button in the category that includes the item you want to change.
  3. Click the privacy setting button next to the specific item you will change, and then change the setting to “Only Me.”
  4. Enter your new information, and then save the change.

Why did my relationship status disappear on Facebook?

That is because either the person you were in a relationship with disabled their Facebook account, or changed their relationship status to something else without telling you.

How do I hide my relationship status from certain friends?

To adjust who can see your relationship status:

  1. From your News Feed, click your name in the top left.
  2. Click About.
  3. Click Family and Relationships.
  4. Hover over the Relationship box and click Edit.
  5. Use the audience selector to choose Only Me.
  6. Click Save Changes.

How do I hide my Facebook status from one person?

How to Hide Your Facebook Post from a Specific Person

  1. Step 1: Navigate to your Facebook profile.
  2. Step 2: With the status window open, select where you want your post to appear: News Feed, your Story, or both.
  3. Step 3: After making your selection, click the dropdown menu to the right.
  4. Step 4: Select from your list the friends whom you don’t want to see your post.

What can Restricted friends see on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you’ll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they’ll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.

What is restricted mode in Facebook?

The Facebook Restricted mode is a feature where a user can restrict a person on their friends’ list to view their contents on this social media.

Why does my Facebook say restricted?

You’re temporarily restricted from doing certain things on Facebook. It looks like you shared your Facebook login info with a suspicious website, which means they can now use your account. Websites like this usually want to use your account to spread fake likes and comments that show up in your friends’ News Feeds.