Why did George kill Lennie?

Why did George kill Lennie?

George killed lennie, because he did not want lennie to suffer at the hands of curley. Curley said that he would shoot him, if he found him. Slim was referring to locking Lennie up in a mental hospital. So George has always done what is best for Lennie, so he did it again.

What is wrong with crooks?

Crooks is used to being the only African-American person around, including on the ranch. He is called Crooks because he is crippled and has a crooked spine.

What did crooks forget?

After Curley’s wife departs, Crooks asks Candy if he has heard the men, because he has heard nothing. “The gate banged” is all Candy replies. He tells Crooks that the woman should not have talked to him as she did, but Crooks simply replies “dully,” “It wasn’t nothing…. You guys comin’ in an’ settin’ made me forget.

What does crooks look like?

Crooks is a lively, sharp-witted, black stable-hand, who takes his name from his crooked back. Like most of the characters in the story, he admits that he is extremely lonely. Like Curley’s wife, Crooks is a disempowered character who turns his vulnerability into a weapon to attack those who are even weaker.

Does crooks get paid?

The ranch boss may pay for his personal medicine, as he should. Besides his food and shelter, Crooks may only receive around twenty dollars a month in cash wages.

What does crooks do in his free time?

During his free time, his hobby or the usual thing that he does that finds his interest is reading which he mostly does when he does not do anything or if he is not busy.

How is crooks dream destroyed?

Crooks dream is to be a part of something, but he doesn’t believe the dream will ever come true because of …show more content… Crooks is the stable guy who responsibility is to take care of the horses. Crook’s dream is shattered by Curley’s wife’s nasty comments putting him right back into his place.

Why is crooks rude to Lennie?

Why is Crooks rude to Lennie? Crooks is rude to Lennie because he is the only black man on the ranch and he feels left out. He is angry and takes it out on Lennie. Crooks is not use to people being nice to him.

How did Lennie kill her?

Lennie kills Curley’s wife by shaking her so hard that her neck breaks — remember, he is a big strong man. He does not kill her on purpose. He is only shaking her like that because he wants her to stop yelling. She is yelling because he is holding on to her hair and won’t let go.

What is Candy’s greatest fear?

Candy’s greatest fear is that once he is no longer able to help with the cleaning he will be “disposed of.” Like his old dog, he has lived beyond his usefulness. Candy and his dog parallel the relationship of George and Lennie.

What did crooks mean when he said to Lennie?

Crooks is mean to Lennie, suggesting that George might not come home and Lennie becomes more and more distressed. Candy walks into Crooks’ room looking for Lennie. Crooks tells him and Lennie that they will not own a farm, but Candy explains that they have money to buy it. Crooks is interested in joining them.

What does crooks say happens to guys who get too lonely?

1. What does Crooks say happens to a guy if he gets too lonely? Crooks says that a guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. 2.

How does Lennie kill the puppy?

Lennie accidentally kills his puppy, probably by squeezing him or hitting him too hard. He is afraid that when George sees he killed his puppy, George will not let him tend the rabbits on the farm they have dreamed about owning. So, he tries to hide the body of the puppy only to have it discovered by Curley’s wife.

How was crooks treated?

He lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Crooks is bookish and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness and prejudicial treatment of that he is now suspicious of any kindness he receives.

What was crooks response to the dream?

Crook’s initial response was “You’re nuts.” Crooks becomes interested when he learns they have the money to make their dream come true. Crooks asked, “You say you got the money?”

What does crooks back symbolize?

Crooks’s disability symbolizes the generally broken state of all the characters in the story. Everyone is a misfit in some way, yearning to be someone and somewhere else. But for some reason or other they’re unable to escape the confines of the ranch and make their dreams come true.

Why is crooks dream important?

Crooks’ comments remind the reader of how George and Lennie’s dream is not unusual for men like them: many others are also dreaming of a better life. This is linked to the idea of the American Dream as they believe that by working hard and saving up, they will be able to achieve the success they hope for.

Does crooks have a dream?

Crooks dreams of having company and belonging somewhere where he is wanted. Crooks wants to belong. He is the African-American stable hand. Because of his race, he is ostracized by the ranch hands.

Did crooks achieve his dream?

Crook’s American Dream is to be treated with the same amount of respect that white people get. Unfortunately, society, his disability and his race all hold him back and Crooks does not achieve his American Dream.

Why does crooks want to join the dream?

Crooks would like to be part of the plan to buy a farm because he has been terribly lonely and if he lived with George and Lennie and Candy, he would have others to be around; also having a plan for his old age would give him security. It is apparent that Crooks resents being marginalized on the ranch.

Why does crooks not want to join the dream?

Crooks has seen all the trouble that people cause each other when they get together, and he has decided that he wants no part of it. He would rather endure his lonely existence and have a certain amount of peace, privacy, and security.

What does crooks believe in?

Crooks believes that George and Lennie’s plan to have a small farm is just a pipe dream because he has seen “hundreds of men” come through with the same hopes and never have the dreams been fulfilled, nor have any others, for that matter.

Why does crooks dream not come true?

For example, when Crooks is talking to Lennie he says, “S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black” (69). This proves that his dream can’t come true because he is discriminated against because of his skin color and he is unable to achieve his dream because of this.

How does Candy’s dream die?

John Stienbeck’s novel “Of Mice and Men” is about the death of the American dream. George, Lennie and Candy’s dream is to own their own piece of land to work and live independently on. This dream is destroyed by Lennie’s ignorance and Lennie’s strength, which he cannot control.

What is the crooks dream?

Crooks’ American Dream consists of his being a part of George and Lennie’s plan to buy their own ranch. This will give Crooks the opportunity for more freedom and dignity, something he desperately lacks in his present situation.

What is Lennie’s dream?

George and Lennie’s dream for the future is to one day own a farm with lots of rabbits. Lennie dreams of taking care of the rabbits and other animals, and George hopes this dream comes true so that he can lead a “better” life.