Why does God allow us to go through tough times?

Why does God allow us to go through tough times?

God Allows Suffering to Bring Us Closer to Him And He often uses hard times to get our attention. When things are going great we are not so quick to turn to Him. But when trials come, they often drive us to our knees in search of answers and comfort.

Does God want us to be comfortable?

We must give up our comfort, and follow Jesus. Jesus never told us to be comfortable. Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow Him! When God is first in our lives, we will be less concerned with our own comfort; we will be consumed with the needs of others and the eternal comfort of the lost!

How should you pray in times of suffering?

Prayers in times of suffering

  • “Lord, I don’t understand why my suffering has gone on so long, but I know and trust that you have a much bigger plan.
  • “Lord, I’m broken, I’m tired, and I can’t fight this on my own.
  • “Lord, thank you for never leaving me to suffering alone.
  • “Lord, I know you are teaching me right now.

What to pray for a dying person?

Give them your strength as they care for Joe. God, we thank you that you never leave us, that you never forsake us, but you love us. We trust you, and pray this in your name.

How do you pray for clarity?

Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you’ve laid out for me. I trust your Love God, and know that you will heal this stress. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night. Please bring me clarity with the light of God.

How do you ask God for guidance?

Guidance Prayer O Lord, my God, help me to trust you with my decisions and my future. Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own imperfect understanding. Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord.

What is the prayer for strength?

Amen. O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

How do you pray for decision making?

Discernment Prayer You are the only one who knows how this decision will affect me. I come to you today asking you to help me make sound decisions. Lord, help me be a better judge in every situation that I face. Open my spiritual eyes so that I can see who and what I am dealing with in Jesus’ name, I believe, and pray.

How do you hear God making decisions?

Choose a day, or a specific time during the day that you can sit quietly before God and meditate on Scripture, pray and be still. When you do this, you will see past the noise and hear God’s voice.

What the Bible says about making wise decisions?

Bible Verses About Making Wise Choices “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

How do you know when the Holy Spirit speaks to you?

God will answer your prayers, god will give you direction, he will tell you what is right he will tell you what is good, he will tell you what is right for your family. When god speaks, it brings peace to your soul, it brings peace to your spirit, that is one of the major signs that god is speaking to you.

How do you know the Holy Spirit is leading you?

by Mark Ballenger

  • You Can Be Sure the Holy Spirit Is Actually Speaking to You When You Are Being Shown How to Exalt Jesus.
  • When the Holy Spirit Is Speaking to You, He Will Focus on Producing the Fruits of the Spirit in You.
  • The Holy Spirit Is Truly Speaking to You When the Word of God Is Illuminated to You in Your Heart.

How do I let the Holy Spirit lead me?

If you want to let the Holy Spirit lead your life and walk by the Spirit, it’s a conscious choice you need to make each and every day. Pray that the Lord will fill you with His Spirit. Pray that you would walk by the Spirit. Then throughout your day, watch and listen for opportunities to obey the Spirit’s promptings.

What is God’s voice?

In the Abrahamic religions, the voice of God is a communication from God to human beings, heard by humans as a sound with no apparent physical source.