Why is a detective called a Shamus?

Why is a detective called a Shamus?

2. A private investigator. [Perhaps from the common Irish name Séamus, James (from the many Irish Americans who traditionally served on American police forces ), or from shammes (the duties of a detective being likened to those of a shamash ).]

What does Supplanter mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery. 2a(1) obsolete : uproot. (2) : to eradicate and supply a substitute for efforts to supplant the vernacular. b : to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power.

What is a Supplanter character?

A supplanter takes over or takes the place of someone else, usually on purpose. If usurping thrones is your thing, then maybe you have a future as a supplanter. A supplanter takes the place of someone or something that was there first.

What is the spiritual meaning of the name James?

James is a classic, traditional and Biblical name (Saint James, of course, was one of Jesus’ 12 apostles) meaning “supplanter” or “replacer.” It’s derived from the Latin Jacomus which also means “may God protect.”

What does supplants mean in the Bible?

1. To take the place of or substitute for (another): Computers have largely supplanted typewriters. See Synonyms at replace. 2. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics: In the Bible, Jacob supplants his older brother Esau.

What does seizing by the heel mean?

Supplanter or seizing by the heel; Jacob appears in the biblical book of Genesis as the youngest son of Isaac and Rebecca and twin to Esau. Other theories claim that it is in fact derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya’aqov’el) meaning “may God protect”.

Is James a strong name?

The name has been a strong, constant monicker for artists and more for decades. But the name has a richer history than only Hollywood. James is a modern descendant of Iacomus, the Latin form of the Hebrew name Jacob. Two of the twelve apostles in the Bible had the name of James.

What is the Scottish name for James?
