Why do I have to take a parenting class?

Why do I have to take a parenting class?

Parenting classes offer you the opportunity to learn basic parenting skills, practice positive guidance, ask questions in a safe setting, gain resources from the presenter and make new friends with others who may be dealing with similar parenting issues. …

When parents separate who gets the child?

As a general rule, most states require that the mother automatically be awarded full custody of her child if she is unmarried — unless the father makes an effort to receive custody as well. But other than that, child custody in non-divorce cases is decided in much the same way as in divorce cases.

Can I lose custody of my child for marrying a felon?

Misdemeanor crimes, can become felony charges when the crime is repeated often enough, and they are caught repeatedly. Any parent can lose custody of a child if they are reported to CPS and an investigation is made. A person that has felony convictions, has served some time in jail or prison.