Can two US citizens get married in Mexico?

Can two US citizens get married in Mexico?

Only marriages performed by Civil Registry Officials (not religious officials) are considered legal and valid in Mexico. U.S. Citizens must have a valid Passport and their Tourist or Residence permits up to date with Mexican Immigration Authorities; you must also request from Mexican Immigration a marriage permit.

How long do you have to be in Mexico before you can get married?

There is a waiting period of two to three days in Mexico. It varies from state to state. Plan extra time for getting the paperwork all arranged. It generally takes at least three working days to have your paperwork and documents processed.

Can two tourists get married in us?

Yes, non-citizens can marry within the US. Keep in mind that marriage does not change your immigration status and the marriage may not be recognized in your home country. To get married in the US, you simply need the proper identification to apply for a marriage license in the county in which you are to be married.

Can you get married in another country and still be legally married in the US?

In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be directed to the attorney general of the state where you live. American diplomatic and consular officers are NOT permitted to perform marriages.