Is a marriage in Canada valid in the US?

Is a marriage in Canada valid in the US?

Any marriage or divorce conducted anywhere in the world is automatically recognized anywhere in the US (with some exceptions like polygamous marriages); the same is true in many other countries.

What happens if a Canadian marries an American?

Marriage Green Card A Canadian citizen who has married a U.S. citizen is generally entitled to apply for permanent residency. The U.S. citizen spouse will file a form known as “Petition for Alien Relative” with the USCIS, petitioning for the Canadian spouse to become a U.S. permanent resident.

Can you get married in another country and still be legally married in the US?

In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be directed to the attorney general of the state where you live. American diplomatic and consular officers are NOT permitted to perform marriages.

Are foreign marriages recognized in the US?

Validity of Foreign Marriages and Divorces Generally, any marriage entered into between two U.S. citizens in another country is recognized as valid in the U.S. as long as the union was legal when and where performed.