What documents does a foreigner need to get married in the US?

What documents does a foreigner need to get married in the US?

To get married in the US, you simply need the proper identification to apply for a marriage license in the county in which you are to be married. In most cases, you'll need to provide a valid passport. You may also need to prove that you are old enough to be legally married and that you are not already married.

Is a marriage certificate from another country valid in the US?

In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be directed to the attorney general of the state where you live. American diplomatic and consular officers are NOT permitted to perform marriages.

Can an American become a Colombian citizen?

You must first obtain permanent residency by an investment of approximately US$150,000 in Colombian real estate or as contributions to a Colombian company. After five years as a permanent resident, you and your family may apply for naturalization.