Who can serve divorce papers in Nevada?

Who can serve divorce papers in Nevada?

The papers must be served by a "disinterested person." This means someone who is not a party in the case, not interested in the outcome of the case, and who is at least 18 years old. Family members and significant others (boyfriends/girlfriends) cannot serve the documents, as this could raise questions with the court.

How do you serve your spouse with divorce papers?

In general, there are two ways of serving your spouse: personal service, and mail with notice and acknowledgment of receipt. Personal service happens when your server personally hands your spouse the divorce papers and blank response form or forms.

Can my husband and I file for divorce together?

A joint petition for divorce allows both spouses to file for divorce together. The husband and wife petition the court together with paperwork that is signed by both parties. The divorce proceeds with both parties in agreement that no one is at fault.

Can you serve papers to a family member?

Family members and significant others (boyfriends/girlfriends) cannot serve the documents. You can ask a neutral person to serve the documents, or you can hire the sheriff or a private process service to serve the documents for a fee.