Are arranged marriages successful?

Are arranged marriages successful?

The divorce rate of arranged marriages is less than 4 percent versus 40 percent of marriages in the U.S. where partners chose who to marry on their own free will. Here’s a look at the process behind arranged marriages, and what we can learn from the tradition that will help set us up for romantic success.

What percentage of arranged marriages are successful?

According to a 2012 study by Statistic Brain, the global divorce rate for arranged marriages was 6 percent — a significantly low number. Compared to the 55 percent of marriages in the world that are arranged, this low statistic shows the success rate of arranged marriages.

What percent of love marriages end in divorce?

Data comparing divorce rates within countries for arranged and love marriage are hard to come by. But in the U.S., between 40 and 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. In India, the divorce rate for all marriages is about 1 percent and it’s higher for love marriages than arranged ones there.

Are arranged marriages or love marriages more successful?

Pro-arranged marriage community always point the rate of divorce among love marriages. interestingly both groups never cite the happily married couples in both cases. A perfect or successful marriage is where both couples adjust themselves to suit each other.

Why love marriages are opposed in India?

Love Marriage is still an exception in India Parents are opposed to love marriages because arranged marriages are the norm in our country and anyone trying to challenge this stranglehold of arranged marriage is considered to have gone “astray” from the family traditions.