Can a child refuse visitation in Florida?

Can a child refuse visitation in Florida?

Both parents are bound by the terms of a custody order. If your child refuses to go to visits with the other parent, you could still be on the hook for failing to comply with a custody order.

What does a 60/40 split look like?

A 60/40 child custody schedule has the child spend 60 percent of their time with one parent and 40 percent of their time with the other parent. The two most common 60/40 schedules are the every extended weekend schedule and the 4-3 schedule.

What is the best co parenting schedule?

With that being said, most experts recommend a 50/50 schedule when possible, because it provides your child with substantial amounts of time with both parents. A 50/50 co-parenting plan also helps children feel like both parents care about them and really love them.

What is the best way to co parent?

Instead, let what’s best for your kids—you working cooperatively with the other parent—motivate your actions.Get your feelings out somewhere else. Never vent to your child. Stay kid-focused. Never use kids as messengers. Keep your issues to yourself. Set a business-like tone. Make requests. Listen. Show restraint.Weitere Einträge…

How should co parents communicate?

Here’s a list of practical tips to help you establish a strong co-parenting relationship and to communicate effectively with your co-parent:1) Be professional. 2) Make sure it’s about the kids and keep communication concise. 3) Don’t fight in front of the kids. 4) Don’t put your children in the middle.Weitere Einträge…•