Can I withdraw my spousal sponsorship?

Can I withdraw my spousal sponsorship?

If the sponsorship application is still in progress, you can withdraw before your spouse/partner’s permanent residence is final. But, if your spouse or partner has already gotten permanent resident status, you cannot withdraw as the sponsor and you must follow the sponsor obligations no matter what happens.

Can I stay in Canada while waiting for spousal sponsorship?

You can stay in Canada while waiting for your permanent residence as long as you maintain legal status. Temporary resident status is valid for a specific period of time and you must ensure that your status as a temporary resident remains valid while you are in Canada.

How do I withdraw my spousal sponsorship?

You can withdraw your sponsorship application at any time before the person you’re sponsoring becomes a permanent resident of Canada. You may be able to get a refund if we haven’t started processing your application. Use our Web form to request the withdrawal of your sponsorship application.

How long are you responsible for someone you sponsor?

An affidavit of support is a legally enforceable contract, and the sponsor’s responsibility usually lasts until the family member or other individual either becomes a U.S. citizen, or is credited with 40 quarters of work (usually 10 years).

How do I terminate a sponsorship?

To end a sponsorship agreement for a non-contractual reason, you will need mutual agreement. If the other party refuses to consent to the termination, then you will need to claim that they have breached the agreement.

Can I deport my husband from Canada?

Your partner might threaten to have you deported from Canada if you report their abuse or if you leave them. Deported from Canada means being forced to leave the country. Important: Your partner does not have the right to have you deported. Only federal immigration authorities can decide to deport someone.

Does marrying a Canadian guarantee PR?

While a successful sponsorship case will allow this, becoming a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada does not automatically happen when you marry a Canadian citizen. The sponsor must for first be approved and then the spouse can apply for permanent residence.

Can I call immigration on my husband?

If the spouse has no status (they’re undocumented) or the immigration status they once had has expired, then there is no deportation trigger. You could call the Department of Homeland Security’s tip line at 866-DHS-2-ICE and report the person.

How do I get divorced in Canada if I got married in another country?

Even if you were married in a foreign country, Canadian courts have the jurisdiction to grant you a divorce if you have been “ordinarily resident” in the province in which you commence divorce proceedings for at least one year immediately leading up to the commencement of the proceeding.