Can you ask a judge to reconsider its decision?

Can you ask a judge to reconsider its decision?

A motion for reconsideration is a legal request that allows you to ask the judge to reconsider his/her ruling based on facts or evidence that weren’t brought up at the original hearing. new evidence is available that you were not able to present before the judge made a decision.

What are the two sides in a court case?

Names of the sides. In criminal trials, the state’s side, represented by a district attorney, is called the prosecution. In civil trials, the side making the charge of wrongdoing is called the plaintiff. (The side charged with wrongdoing is called the defendant in both criminal and civil trials.)

Where does everyone sit in a courtroom?

Most courtrooms have a spectator area in the back, often separated by a “bar” or partition from the rest of the courtroom. Members of the public, including those who come to court to support a family member or friend, sit in this area.

What is it called when you can’t talk about a court case?

It’s called a “gag order” from the judge. It’s also an instruction or admonition to the jury from the judge not to discuss the case with each other or anyone else prior to a recess or between deliberations.

Who defends plaintiff?

Defense attorney or public defender: The lawyer who defends the accused person.