Can you get a divorce in TN without a lawyer?

Can you get a divorce in TN without a lawyer?

In limited circumstances, it is possible to get an “agreed divorce” in Tennessee without hiring an attorney. The Tennessee Supreme Court has approved divorce forms that, if properly completed, must be accepted by all Tennessee courts that hear divorce cases.

How much does it cost to file divorce in TN?

The divorce documents are submitted to the Clerk of the Courts. You pay a filing fee, and the clerk assigns the case a case number. What is the filing fee in Tennessee? In Tennessee, the fees range from about $205 to about $280.

How can I get a quick divorce in TN?

An uncontested divorce is the fastest way to get divorced in Tennessee. While it’s true that some divorces can last for several months or even years, those are the cases where spouses are fighting each other over every detail. An uncontested divorce can be finalized in as little as two or three months.

What is considered marital property in TN?

Under Tennessee law, only marital property is subject to equitable division upon divorce. Specifically, marital property is defined as any assets or property acquired by either you or your spouse while you are married.

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Tennessee?

By filing for divorce first, you can decide where the divorce will be litigated, which is especially important if you and your spouse no longer live in the same area. Filing first also gives you the opportunity to present your side of the case first if the case goes to trial.

What is the minimum child support in Tennessee?

For two children, the basic child support obligation for $3,850 is $1,000 a month. Parent A’s income amounts to 31% of the total combined incomes, so this parent is responsible for $310 (31% of $1,000) of the basic child support obligation.

Can you sue for adultery in Tennessee?

Adultery can devastate a marriage, and in Tennessee, it can have an impact on the divorce. You can certainly sue for divorce on the grounds of adultery in Tennessee whether your spouse agrees to the divorce or not.

Does Tennessee have a homewrecker law?

In Tennessee, if you or your spouse cheats, the other person may cite adultery as the grounds for the divorce filing. However, because the state abolished its “homewrecker” statutes, you cannot sue for damages in Tennessee if your spouse cheats.