Can you lose your house in a lawsuit in Florida?

Can you lose your house in a lawsuit in Florida?

In most cases, you cannot lose your house in a lawsuit in Florida. The most important and well-known exemption from creditors is the homestead exemption of real property. Your home is protected from creditors in Florida subject to acreage limitations.

How much can they garnish from your check?

There’s a limit to how much creditors can garnish from your wages. Under federal law, the garnishment amount can’t be more than 25% of your net (take home) pay, or the amount by which your take home exceeds 30 times the federal minimum wage (currently set to $7.25/hour), whichever is less.

How can I apply for garnishment hardship?

Take copies of the form and then file the original with the court clerk. The court clerk will give you a time and a date for a hearing on your hardship exemption request. You will also need to bring any proof of your income and expenses such as pay stubs, rent receipts, utility bills, car payment coupons.