Can you move out of state while going through a divorce?

Can you move out of state while going through a divorce?

In California, at least one party must be a resident of the state and county where the divorce is filed. If you move out of state before the divorce is filed or while the case is pending, you can still handle the case in a California court if your spouse continues to meet the residency requirements.

Why does your wife ignore you?

She may be feeling hurt about some aspect of your relationship and she’s pulling away as a way to protect herself from being hurt further (this is called intimacy avoidance). She may simply be preoccupied with other activities in her life and isn’t devoting as much attention to you or the relationship.

Can your wife fall in love with you again?

1. Bring her happy, loving smile back. One of the easiest ways to help make your wife fall back in love with you again is to stop taking things so seriously. Life is serious at times, but for the most part, I’ve found that people tend to take things much more seriously than they need to.

How can I win back my wifes love?

Take a similar approach with shared friends. Simply articulate that you hope to work things out, and that you love and respect your wife. If you do get back together, your relationship will only be complicated by anything negative you’ve said about your wife. If you’re still in love with her, act like it!