Does Divorce Affect US citizenship?

Does Divorce Affect US citizenship?

Divorce Makes Applicants Ineligible to Apply for Citizenship in Three Rather Than Five Years. You have to remain married up until you actually get your citizenship, and you have to be living with your spouse three years before filing your citizenship application to qualify for early citizenship.

How do you prove a sham marriage?

They will have to intentionally be in a real, committed relationship, and they must prove their real intentions through their actions over a period of time. If the couple cannot prove that they have established a life together, their marriage can be considered a sham under US immigration law.

Is sham marriage illegal?

There is no subsisting relationship, dependency, or intent to live as husband and wife or civil partners.” While referred to as a “sham” or “fake” because of its motivation, the union itself is legally valid if it conforms to the formal legal requirements for marriage in the jurisdiction.

Can I take my husband’s papers away?

There isn’t much you can do to take away your husband’s green card. I suggest that you contact an experienced family law attorney for a face-to-face consultation and give him/her all of the facts surrounding your marriage.