Does it matter who files for divorce first in Alabama?

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Alabama?

The spouse who files first in the divorce is the plaintiff. The other spouse is the defendant. The other spouse may only be able to react or respond to the other spouse’s strategy moves. A good Alabama attorney can sometimes force the plaintiff into a defensive position and manage to do some things first.

How long does Alabama divorce take?

about 6-10 weeks

How many years do you have to be married to get alimony in Alabama?

Although the new law in Alabama limits alimony to 5 years, one exception is when a couple has been married for more than 20 years. In those cases, if a party can convince the court of a need for the support, the court can award permanent alimony.

Is adultery a felony in Alabama?

Alabama law recognizes adultery as a ground for divorce. Included among those grounds is adultery, although the term is not defined in the code section. It is interesting to note that the Alabama Criminal Code retains the criminal offense of adultery, Class B misdemeanor.

Does Alabama have an alienation of affection law?

Alabama: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit. Alaska: Neither state law nor case law addresses the issue of alienation of affection in Alaska. Arizona: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.