How did someone use my debit card when I have it?

How did someone use my debit card when I have it?

Thieves devise ingenious ways to steal information from debit card holders. Online, they might try phishing you via email, posing as your bank or another reputable agency and requesting your card information and PIN number.

Can I give my debit card to someone else?

It is legal, so long as you are not committing a crime in doing so. The key factor is the other person needs to know you are using this card and have given you permission to do so (and often the pin number of the card so you can use it).

Can my girlfriend use my credit card?

You can use someone else’s credit card if they let you. The issuer only authorized the person who got approved for the card to access its credit line. So even using someone else’s card with permission is a violation of that card’s terms. In that case, the cardholder is liable for any charges you make.

Can I use my parents credit card without them knowing?

Originally Answered: How can we use our parents credit card without them knowing? It’s actually not possible because when ever you try to do a transection it’s OTP goes to the registered mobile.

Can someone else pay off my credit card debt?

If you’re particularly generous and have the extra funds to spare, you can pay off the person’s entire credit card balance. That way they won’t have to think about the debt again.