How do I find out if someone is married in New York?

How do I find out if someone is married in New York?

To obtain a Marriage Record by mail, please call the main office at to request a form or download the Marriage Record mail request form. All requests must be accompanied with a copy of valid identification as stated on the form.

How can I check if someone has died?

One of the simplest ways to find out if someone you know has passed away is by using an obituary search online. There are plenty of reliable sites to search for obituaries, but one of the most reputable is This website lets you browse by last name, country, date or keywords.

Do they give death certificates for miscarriages?

Generally, if you lose your baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy (defined as a miscarriage), the birth and death of your baby cannot be formally registered. This means that you will not receive a birth or a death certificate.

Can a funeral director pronounce death?

The proper use and completion of the Pronouncement of Death (R-302) authorizes a funeral director to remove a decedent from a place of death; however, the funeral director is not required to make the removal with the pronouncement only.

Who do you call first when someone dies?

If the person dies at home without hospice care, call 911, and have in hand a do-not-resuscitate document if it exists. Without one, paramedics will generally start emergency procedures and, except where permitted to pronounce death, take the person to an emergency room for a doctor to make the declaration.

HOW LONG DOES A BODY stay at the coroner’s?

Forensic examinations are usually performed within 24 to 48 hours after the death is reported. Therefore, the deceased can be removed from the Coroner’s Office immediately after the examination unless the case is a homicide. Homicides are held 24 hours after the autopsy before they are released.

How do funeral homes pick up bodies?

The hospital or a family member will call the funeral home and make arrangements for the body to be picked up and transferred to a funeral provider or other designated facility. If the hospital has a morgue, they may transfer the body there while waiting for transportation.

Do morticians remove eyes?

We don’t remove them. You can use what is called an eye cap to put over the flattened eyeball to recreate the natural curvature of the eye. You can also inject tissue builder directly into the eyeball and fill it up. And sometimes, the embalming fluid will fill the eye to normal size.

Do morticians sew mouths shut?

Mouths are sewn shut from the inside. Eyes are dried and plastic is kept under the eyelids to maintain a natural shape. After the embalming, the body is washed. Makeup—but not too much—is applied to lessen the ‘waxy look’ a dead body might have.