How do I hide assets in a divorce?

How do I hide assets in a divorce?

One way that spouses without businesses may attempt to hide assets is through setting up trusts or \u201cgifting\u201d money to someone who will return it after the divorce is finalized. Spouses that hide assets will often involve family members or friends in the process.

How are assets split in a divorce in Florida?

Florida Is an Equitable Distribution State As an \u201cequitable distribution\u201d state for divorce, marital property in Florida is to be divided in a manner that is fair and equitable. In community property states, marital property is owned 50/50 by both spouses equally.

What to think about before getting a divorce?

6 Things to Consider Before Getting a DivorceEmotions. Even the party that wants the divorce usually finds themselves sad and depressed throughout the process. Consider your kids. Everyone getting divorced is obviously thinking of their kids in the process. Anger hurts you. It’s never too late. Never talk bad about your spouse to your kids. No hurry.