How does a father get joint custody in Florida?

How does a father get joint custody in Florida?

With sole custody, one parent gets legal and physical custody of a child. In a joint custody situation, both parents share legal and physical child custody. In Florida, joint custody is called shared parental responsibility, and both parents must approve all decisions related to the child.

Is Indiana a mother or father state?

Indiana is a state that favors both parents equally. In the best interest of the child, meaningful relationships with both parents is the standard. In the eyes of the law, a married mother and father in Indiana start out with joint legal custody. Meaning, both parents share equal rights to their children.

Do you have to pay child support if you have joint custody in Indiana?

Custody is divided into legal custody and physical custody. A parenting time percentage is included in the child support formula for joint custody. Indiana family courts use a formula that considers both parents’ incomes and the needs of the child to arrive at a monthly child support amount.

How old does a child have to be to choose which parent to live with in Indiana?

When can my child decide which parent to live with? Until your child reaches the age of 18, the court will make a determination as to custody. However, at age 14, consideration is given to the child’s wishes by the court when making this determination.