How is jewelry divided in a divorce?

How is jewelry divided in a divorce?

Heather Frances of Legal Zoom states, “Generally, engagement and wedding rings are not divisible in a divorce, but other jewelry and gifts given during a marriage may be considered marital property that can be divided by a divorce court.” So while your original engagement ring may be safe, an upgraded one is not.

How do you hide marital assets?

One way that spouses without businesses may attempt to hide assets is through setting up trusts or “gifting” money to someone who will return it after the divorce is finalized. Spouses that hide assets will often involve family members or friends in the process.

How can I find out if my spouse is hiding money?

Investigate credit card payments A careful analysis of bank statements also can reveal red flags that your spouse is hiding money. Look for wire transfers or electronic payments to accounts you don’t recognize. Also check credit card statements to see where the payments are coming from.

What is non marital property in Florida?

Non-marital property (sometimes called separate property) is property that is not included in the marital estate and is thus not subject to division by the court. Instead, whichever party owns the non-marital asset will keep that asset after the divorce. Non-marital property includes: Assets acquired prior to marriage.