How many nights a year is shared care?

How many nights a year is shared care?

Shared care 128 to 237 nights a year.

Do I have to pay child maintenance if it’s 50 50 custody?

If both parents care for the children 50/50 then there is no Child Maintenance Liability. However, it’s not enough to just have the children an equal number of nights: the actual day to day pastoral care and support also needs to be equal.

How much percentage is every other weekend?

STANDARD SCHEDULES1 Every other weekend: 14%. First, third and alternate fifth weekends: 14%. Second, fourth and alternate fifth weekends: 14%. First, third and fifth weekends: 15%.

Does joint custody lower child support?

Joint physical custody is a lousy “compromise” between disputing parents. Joint physical custody is being used, wrongly, to lower child support payments. Joint physical custody is not necessarily 50/50.

Who claims child on taxes in joint custody?

When parents are separated, however, the parent living with the child can claim this amount regardless of their income. If the child lived with both parents at different times in the year, as in the case of a joint custody, both parents can claim childcare expenses for the period when the child lived with them.