How much does a divorce attorney cost in NJ?

How much does a divorce attorney cost in NJ?

On average, New Jersey divorce lawyers charge between $295 and $340 per hour. Average total costs for New Jersey divorce lawyers are $12,500-$14,500 but are typically much less in cases with no contested issues. On average, New Jersey divorce lawyers charge between $295 and $340 per hour.

Can your attorney fire you?

In general, it’s much easier for you to fire your attorney than for your attorney to drop you as a client. But an attorney can withdraw if it won’t have a large, negative impact on you, the client, or if the attorney has a compelling reason.

What does a retainer cover for an attorney?

A retainer is the client’s way of guaranteeing to the lawyer that the client is financially able to employ the lawyer’s services and is committed to funding the matter. The retainer still belongs to the client until it is earned by the attorney or used for legitimate expenses, and must be returned if unused.