How much does it cost to change your last name in the state of Florida?

How much does it cost to change your last name in the state of Florida?

By state legislature, the filing fee for a legal name change is $401. This fee is applicable regardless of how minor or significant the name change is. Fingerprinting, if required, may be between $10 and $45. The criminal history background check is about $45.

Can you change your last name in Florida?

Adult Name Change (No Marriage or Divorce) Requesting a name change as an adult can be executed by filing a petition with the circuit court in your county. The purpose of the petition will be to inform a judge of the name change and the reasoning behind it.

What are good reasons to change your name?

Top 10 Reasons People Change Their NamesDislike Current Name. Changing Name Following Divorce. Husband Taking Wife’s Name Upon Marriage. Changing Child’s Surname to Mother’s or Father’s. Couples Combining or Hyphenating Surnames to Form a New One. Desire for a Less or More “Ethnic” Name. Transgender Name Changes. Religious Reasons.Weitere Einträge…•

Why do celebrities change their name?

A performer will often take a stage name because their real name is considered unattractive, dull, or unintentionally amusing; projects an undesired image; is difficult to pronounce or spell; or is already being used by another notable individual, including names that are not exactly the same but still too similar.