How should divorced parents communicate?

How should divorced parents communicate?

Separating feelings from behaviorGet your feelings out somewhere else. Never vent to your child. Stay kid-focused. Never use kids as messengers. Keep your issues to yourself. Set a business-like tone. Make requests. Listen. Show restraint.

How do courts determine best interest of the child?

Each parent’s ability (and of any other relevant person) to look after the child’s needs. Characteristics of a child or parent that the court thinks are important, including their maturity, sex, lifestyle and background. Each parent’s attitude to the child and their parental responsibilities.

What is a stable environment for a child?

A stable environment provides a sense of constancy, predictability, routine, and continuity, essential to child well-being. Children should never be caught in loyalty conflicts between their parents, and need to be assured that the care and nurture of each of their parents will not be interrupted.