What does general relief in divorce mean?

What does general relief in divorce mean?

Relief in a divorce is everything that you request in your divorce complaint. In your divorce complaint, you may also request relief in the form of specific child custody arrangement, a general visitation request, and a child support order.

What does it mean relief not granted?

The relief not granted part means what is says. The judgement only gives the parties what it says it gives and nothing more, even if the parties asked for it. Only final judgments can be appealed and executed upon. That is why it says that it is final.

What does Relief mean in court?

The redress, or benefit, given by a court to an individual who brings a legal action. The relief sought in a lawsuit might, for example, be the return of property wrongfully taken by another, compensation for an injury in the form of damages, or enforcement of a contract.

What is the difference between a legal remedy and an equitable remedy?

Legal remedies are ones that allow the party not in breach to recover money, whereas equitable remedies involve resolution through non-monetary solutions. Equitable remedies are actions rather than a financial award.

What is a legal remedy example?

Remedies in Law When compensatory damages are awarded, a court orders the person that breached the contract to pay the other person enough money to get what they were promised in the contract elsewhere. For example, suppose you hire and pay someone to clean your house for $100, but he is unable to do it.

What is remedy at law?

A legal remedy, also referred to as judicial relief or a judicial remedy, is the means with which a court of law, usually in the exercise of civil law jurisdiction, enforces a right, imposes a penalty, or makes another court order to impose its will in order to compensate for the harm of a wrongful act inflicted upon …

What are the five remedies for breach of contract?

The five types of remedies for breach of contract are:Money damages;Restitution;Rescission;Reformation; and.Specific Performance.

What are the two types of remedies?

There are two general categories of remedies—legal and equitable. In the category of legal remedies are damagesMoney paid by one party to another to satisfy a liability.. Damages are money paid by one party to another; there are several types of damages.

What remedy is available to both buyers and sellers?

adequate assurances

What is legal damage TORT?

Damage is the loss suffered by the person due to the wrongful act of another person whereas, Damages is the amount of money which is paid as compensation for the injury suffered by a person. So, damages are different from damage and it is one of the remedies which is available to the plaintiff.

What are the 3 types of torts?

Tort lawsuits are the biggest category of civil litigation, and can encompass a wide range of personal injury cases – however, there are three main types: intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability.

Who can be sued in tort?

All the offences against the property, the right to action is vested with the trustee or the assignee. But in the case of personal wrong, the person has a right to sue. In the situation, where a tort causes injury to both the person and the property, so the right of action will split between the two.