What does primary residence mean in Child Custody in Ontario?

What does primary residence mean in Child Custody in Ontario?

Custody means having the legal right to make important decisions about how to care for and raise your child. Wherever a child lives most of the time is called their primary residence. If a parent has sole custody, that parent’s home is usually the child’s primary residence. And the other parent usually has access.

Can a father win custody in Florida?

In Florida, one parent does not automatically win custody based on their sex, rather child custody decisions are determined by the “best interest standard.” Fathers in Florida may rest easy knowing that they don’t have an uphill battle when attempting to get custody of their child simply because they are a father.

Can a mother move a child out of state?

Under the Family Law Act, moving the children to another town, city, state or country is known as relocation. If a parent moving will limit the time the children get to live with or spend with the other parent or another significant person in their lives, a court may not give permission by way of Relocation Orders.