What is the difference between separation and divorce in California?

What is the difference between separation and divorce in California?

Legal separation is a situation where you are no longer living with your spouse but remain legally married. It is not simply living apart though, as it involves a specific legal agreement. Divorce is the more final option, where you are not legally married anymore.

Does California allow online divorce?

Online divorce is not allowed in California; however, you can file for divorce by fax. California does not have an e-filing protocol as of yet.

Can you date while separated in California?

A commonly asked question about legal separation that I hear often is “Can I date while I am legally separated?” Technically the answer is yes because California is a no-fault state. However, if you have children, be advised that dating while legally separated could influence child custody arrangements.

Is alimony in California for life?

Under California Law, the general presumption for duration of support is “one-half the length of the marriage,” for marriages of fewer than 10 years. This means that if you were married for six years, the judge has the right to limit alimony for one-half of the marriage if the need exists (three years).

How can I avoid paying alimony in California?

Ways to Avoid Alimony in CaliforniaEach spouse’s income, assets, and debts.Each spouse’s physical health and age.Each spouse’s training, education, and experience that could lead to a job.Each spouse’s ability to work while caring for young children.The length of the marriage.

How long is alimony paid in California?

The general rule is that spousal support will last for half the length of a marriage that was legally valid for ten years or less. Spousal support durations for long term marriages, which are those lasting more than ten years, differ and may be assigned for an indefinite term.

What are the rules for alimony in California?

A general rule is that spousal support will last for half the length of a less than 10 years long marriage. However, in longer marriages, the court will not set alimony duration. The burden will be on the party who pays to prove that spousal support is not necessary at some future point in time.