What questions are asked in divorce mediation?

What questions are asked in divorce mediation?

The Top 10 Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Divorce MediatorWhat are your qualifications? How would you describe your mediation style? Do you still practice divorce litigation along with mediation? Can I meet privately with you? What about having my own attorney? How do you guard against my spouse being disrespectful or dishonest? How long is each mediation session?Weitere Einträge…

What questions do mediators ask?

Some of the questions that a mediator ought to ask counsel for the parties during the mediation include the following. What are your/your client’s goals for this mediation? What would help you achieve your goals? What are the obstacles to resolving the dispute?

Who is the better parent?

The “better parent” standard is the burden of proof placed on a parent or person seeking sole custody of a child. When a parent is seeking sole physical custody of a child, that parent has a much higher burden of proof than they would if seeking joint physical custody.