Why is my wife dragging out the divorce?

Why is my wife dragging out the divorce?

There are countless reasons a spouse might try to delay divorce proceedings, such as: Unhappiness about the divorce. Desire to make the divorce process as long and difficult as possible. Revenge or punishment.

What to do if spouse is delaying divorce?

If your spouse has moved without giving you a new address or is avoiding service, a judge may allow you to publish a divorce notice in a local newspaper. Spouses can speed up the process by making their divorce uncontested\u2014meaning both spouses agree to all of the terms in the petition.

How long can you drag out a divorce in Texas?

Even though Texas doesn’t have a long mandatory waiting period before a divorce can be final (only 60 days from when the petition is filed), your divorce could drag out\u2014even beyond the national average of 12 months\u2014if you and your spouse are fighting about multiple contested issues, and especially if you go to trial to …