How do stay at home moms survive divorce?

How do stay at home moms survive divorce?

6 Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms Starting Over After a DivorceThink carefully about your housing.Work on your credit.Step back into the workforce.Protect yourself from the worst.Update your estate plan.Remember, we’re with you.

Can I get custody if I am a stay at home mom?

More often than not, a judge will award custody to a stay-at-home mom over a husband who is at work more than he is caring for the kids. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and if a mom starts providing less than adequate care for her children, a judge could rule in favor of the father.

How do I leave my husband as a stay at home mom?

4 Steps to Leaving Your Marriage When You’re Financially DependentFind good sources of emotional support. Move closer to your family even if you don’t want to. Research different ways to get financial support. Gather evidence of your husband’s financial and other affairs.

What is Parental Kidnapping Georgia?

Parental Kidnapping Laws In Georgia: Acting In The Best Interests Of The Child. Interfering means knowingly or recklessly taking a child from a legal custodian, or intentionally keeps the child beyond the period they are supposed to have custody.