Is it adultery if you are separated in SC?

Is it adultery if you are separated in SC?

In South Carolina, you are still married until a final divorce decree is signed by a judge. South Carolina law dictates that if you date while separated, then your spouse is allowed to make the argument that you are committing adultery, which could have some legal consequences.

What is the divorce process in South Carolina?

The Procedure for Filing for a Divorce in South Carolina In South Carolina, a divorce begins with the filing of a summons and complaint for divorce. After that paperwork is submitted to the clerk of family court, it has to be served on the other spouse such as by personal delivery by a process server.

What is the fastest way to get a divorce in South Carolina?

To be eligible to file a simple divorce, you must meet the following requirements: you or your spouse has lived in South Carolina for at least one year before filing for your divorce, or you and your spouse both live in South Carolina and have lived there for at least three months before filing for divorce (S.C.

Can you date while separated in South Carolina?

Can I Date While I Am Separated in South Carolina? There is no law that specifically states that you may not date another person while you are separated.