What if your girlfriend kissed another guy?

What if your girlfriend kissed another guy?

Find someone who loves and respects a relationship. It’s okay to forgive her if you think it was a genuine mistake, but if it happens again definitely dump her. Tell her to choose between the two of you and if she chooses you, stop talking to the guy she kissed completely.

Is it cheating if someone kisses you but you don’t kiss back?

If you did not initiate the kiss but continue kissing her of course it’s cheating. He didn’t kiss back, she just walked up and kissed him. 8,998 Views. A girl I like cheated on her boyfriend with me.

Should I tell my wife I kissed another woman?

If you have to ask people if you need to confess something, then you probably need to confess. The kiss is probably not the problem though. You did wrong either by kissing that woman or putting yourself in a situation that led to the kiss. If you think that she deserves to know then you must tell her.

Is cheating part of a relationship?

Dr. Mann explains that it’s rare for a person to believe that being unfaithful might actually improve their relationship; rather, thoughts of infidelity are almost always a sign of underlying trouble in the relationship. “The number one reason why people cheat is a lack of connection in the relationship.