Are you single if you are separated?

Are you single if you are separated?

What does it mean to be separated? A separation isn’t the same as a divorce. Separation means that you are living apart from your spouse, but you’re still legally married until you get a judgment of divorce from a court (even if you already have a judgment of separation).

Do I have to put divorced as marital status?

Divorce is the formal legal ending of a marriage. You do not have to get a divorce when you separate unless you want to remarry, but staying married may affect your legal obligations. …

Can you have a fiance if your still married?

Yes, it is perfectly legal to get engaged before your divorce is final. A marriage engagement is an oral promise to marry someone. A marriage engagement does not require a license, nor does it generate the same rights and responsibilities that a marriage does. Legally, you must be divorced before you can remarry.

What do I put under marital status?

Classification of legal marital status1 – Married (and not separated) 2 – Widowed (including living common law) 3 – Separated (including living common law) 4 – Divorced (including living common law) 5 – Single (including living common law)