How do I get divorced if I got married in Vegas?

How do I get divorced if I got married in Vegas?

Both spouses must sign the joint petition, then file it in Family Court. Judges typically sign the decree without a hearing because nothing is disputed. If you are ready to file for divorce but your spouse isn’t willing to sign the papers, you can file for divorce by yourself.

Does it matter what state you file for divorce in?

In theory, you and your spouse may divorce in either state in which one of you resides. The majority of states require that a spouse reside in the state before filing for divorce in that state. Proof of residency may be required, and some states require six months of residency, while others require a year.

How do I make him leave his wife?

Tell him what you expect from your relationship. Tell him you expect him to commit to you and want him to leave his wife. Say, “You told me you were unhappy with your wife, so I always thought we’d get together. I want you to leave her for me.”