Will divorce ruin me financially?

Will divorce ruin me financially?

Possessions, money, financial assets, and debt acquired during (and sometimes before) marriage are divided between former spouses. In fact, divorcing individuals need a more than 30% increase in income, on average, to maintain the same standard of living they had prior to their divorce.

What to do if my ex won’t let me see my child?

The non-custodial parent’s next step is to file a petition (legal paperwork) in court to enforce visitation rights. Non-custodial parents may try to file these petitions on their own, but it is advisable to have an experienced family law attorney prepare it.

Should fathers have equal rights as mothers?

In most situations, the rights a father has are the same as the mother. This may be for custody, during divorce, in legal battles and when there are no issues with the spouse. Because the male partner believes he has no rights for legal arguments, he may not fight against a ruling or before one may be issued.