At what age does child support end in Illinois?

At what age does child support end in Illinois?


What are child maintenance payments meant to cover?

Child maintenance is usually the amount the parent who isn’t the day-to-day carer of the child pays to the main carer of the child towards the cost of looking after said child. Therefore, child maintenance is used to cover some of a child’s everyday living costs.

Can maintenance be paid directly to the child?

When the court makes a child maintenance order it can direct that the payment shall be made through the District Court Clerk rather than directly to the other parent. Once payment is received in the court office it is sent to the receiving parent.

Who pays for extracurricular activities in divorce?

Typically, if one parent wants the child to participate in extracurricular activities after divorce, that parent should be the one who pays for the cost of the activity. One parent may be required to pay child support to the other, depending upon parental income, the number of children, and how a child’s time is spent.

What counts as an extracurricular activity?

Extracurriculars refer to activities pursued outside of the classroom. Examples of extracurricular activities are: being a member of a sports team, serving as chief editor of your school newspaper, or playing in a regional orchestra. Working a part-time job and volunteering also count as extracurriculars.

What do section 7 expenses include?

Section 7 expenses are ordered by the court. They can include childcare expenses; medical, dental and other health-related expenses; and health insurance premiums. They can also include extraordinary expenses for educational purposes, post-secondary education and extracurricular activities.

Are both parents responsible for a child medical bills?

Each parent is equally responsible for providing for the financial needs of his or her child. But the court cannot enforce this obligation until it makes an order for support.

Is a parent responsible for a child’s debt?

No, parents are not generally responsible for an adult child’s medical debts, said Richard Gundling, senior vice president at the Healthcare Financial Management Association, an organization for finance professionals in health care. Parents are generally responsible for those bills, Gundling said.

Who pays medical bills in divorce?

Medical bills are a form of community debt and it can be divided equally in a divorce because of California’s equitable divorce laws. Even if one parent primarily paid for a child’s medical bills with their income, both parents are responsible for the bills.