Can an uncontested divorce be contested?

Can an uncontested divorce be contested?

When a divorce is considered to be uncontested, spouses may be able to go through a simpler process to decide on issues before an official divorce is made. If this happens, then the divorce can become contested. This can lead couples to enter into litigation with a judge.

What is the difference between a contested and uncontested divorce?

If a couple is able to come to an agreement about all the major issues before trial, that is called an uncontested divorce. Conversely, if there are one or more significant matters that the couple cannot agree on themselves, it is a contested divorce.

Can your spouse deny you a divorce?

Unfortunately, marriages break down, and in some cases, one spouse may refuse to agree to a divorce. They may not accept that the relationship is over. While others may believe, getting divorced conflicts with their beliefs.

What happens if a spouse won’t sign a separation agreement?

The Court can grant a divorce order, even if the spouse refuses to sign any documents. However, it still must be proven that the spouse was served the Application for Divorce by completing an Affidavit.