Do I have to tell my ex partner my new address?

Do I have to tell my ex partner my new address?

Your should give him your address, unless your daughter is at risk of harm by her father, she also has a right to have contact with her father. If you have moved, but not told him where you are, you may have a good reason to do so.

Do I have to give the other parent my address?

There is no statute that requires parents to provide the other with their address. However, most judges believe (except in protection order cases or cases where someone’s life has been threatened) that both parents should know a physical…

Can I deny my child’s father access?

Is it Ever Legal to Deny a Parent Child Visitation? It is almost never legal to deny visitation without a valid court order. For instance, if the non-custodial parent is late on child support, then visitations must continue anyway unless the court says otherwise.

Can I keep my son away from his father’s girlfriend?

Whether you like the other boyfriend or girlfriend or not, you may have a variety of reasons for wanting to shield your child from that adult or the romantic relationship. You may wish to ask the court to order your child’s other parent to keep their significant other away from your child.

What happens if my ex breaks a court order?

(Broken court orders) A court order is legally binding. Failure to comply with the court order amounts to contempt of court and a person can, as a last resort, be committed to prison for contempt. A parent cannot be held in contempt though simply for failing to take up the contact given.

Do I have to tell my ex about every doctor appointment?

Your ex-spouse needs to know about any and all prescriptions that your child is taking. If you are the primary conservator of your child it may be that you attend the majority of doctor’s appointments with him or her.

Can step parents sign school papers?

As a step-parent you don’t automatically have legal parental responsibility for your stepchild. This means you can’t legally authorise medical care, apply for passports, sign school forms and so on. Even after biological parents separate, they still have shared parental responsibility.