How do I find the best attorney for my case?

How do I find the best attorney for my case?

How to find a lawyer? Call LawAccess NSW on You will speak to one of our information officers, and they will work out the most appropriate referral for you. This could be a free or low cost legal service or a private solicitor.

How do you deal with an aggressive divorce lawyer?

What to Do If Your Ex Hires an Extremely Aggressive Divorce…

  1. Hire an assertive and experienced attorney. When consulting with a candidate lawyer, specifically ask about his or her experience dealing with aggressive attorneys.
  2. Suggest collaborative divorce.
  3. Choose your battles wisely.
  4. Try reasoning with your spouse.

How do you deal with an aggressive lawyer?

8 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Opposing Counsel

  1. Point out Common Ground. Nothing takes someone off guard faster than telling them you agree with them.
  2. Don’t be Afraid to Ask Why.
  3. Separate the Person from the Problem.
  4. Focus on your Interests.
  5. Don’t Fall for your Assumptions.
  6. Take a Calculated Approach.
  7. Control the Conversation by Reframing.
  8. Pick up the Phone.

What if a lawyer knows his client is lying?

The lawyer should inform the client that if he does testify falsely, the lawyer will have no choice but to withdraw from the matter and to inform the court of the client’s misconduct.

Do opposing lawyers talk to each other?

No California legal ethics rule expressly prohibits a non-lawyer client from contacting another party directly, although clients cannot be used as conduits for indirect prohibited contact from lawyers.

Can I refuse to answer questions in a deposition?

In most cases, a deponent cannot refuse to answer a question at a deposition unless the answer would reveal privileged or irrelevant private information or the court previously ordered that the information cannot be revealed (source). However, there are certain types of questions that do not have to be answered.

What should you not say in a deposition?

10 Things Not To Do in Your Deposition

  • Lie.
  • Begin an answer with “Well to be honest with you…”.
  • Guess and speculate.
  • Engage in casual conversations with the court reporter and other people present in the depositions.
  • Volunteer information.
  • Don’t review documents carefully.
  • Lose your temper.
  • Don’t take breaks.

Are depositions scary?

Will a lawyer grill you for information? The truth of the matter is that depositions are not nearly as scary as you might think. While depositions can be awkward and there might be some difficult questions for you to answer, if you have a good lawyer preparing you for the deposition, you will be fine.

How do you object to a subpoena?

You can object to a subpoena by arguing that the:

  1. subpoena has not been issued correctly according to the law (technical grounds);
  2. subpoena is an abuse of process or oppressive (general objections); and.
  3. requested documents cannot be disclosed because of special rules that apply to the evidence (privilege).

Can a spouse be forced to testify?

The spousal testimonial privilege (set forth in California Evidence Code sections 970 and 971) means that no one can be forced to testify in court—including in a criminal case—against his or her husband or wife.

Can a wife give evidence against her husband?

Spouses or Civil Partners. If they are, neither is competent or compellable to give evidence, on behalf of the prosecution, against the other, unless the spouse or civil partner witness has already pleaded guilty, or the proceedings in respect of the spouse or civil partner witness have been discontinued.

Can a wife testify against her husband if she wants to?

Neither spouse can be compelled to testify as to private, confidential communications between them in either criminal or civil proceedings. But, only communications that the spouses intend to be, and maintain as confidential are protected. Not every statement between spouses is confidential or a communication.