What personality type is a lawyer?

What personality type is a lawyer?

ISTJ ranked highest for lawyers, but it should be noted that ISTJs make up the majority of the personality types in general. So INTJs take second and truly represent the most dominant legal personality. Introverted thinkers and judges sounds like most of the lawyers I know.

What is the rarest personality type?


What are the cons of being a lawyer?

The 10 Challengers About a Career As a Lawyer

  • The Stress. praetorianphoto / Getty Images.
  • Long Hours. Shannon Fagan/Getty Images.
  • Soaring Law School Debt. kate_sept2004 / Getty Images.
  • Competitive Job Market.
  • Clients Aren’t Spending As Much.
  • Changing Legal Paradigms.
  • Technology.
  • Legal Process Outsourcing.

What personality type are doctors?

The most common personality types among the junior doctors were ESTJ (15.4%), INTP (12.8%), and ESFJ (10.3%), while among the attending physicians, the most common types were ISTJ (23.7%) and ESTJ (18.6%). Both junior doctors and attending physicians expressed personality preferences for sensing, thinking, and judging.

What personality type are psychiatrists?

According to this Journal of Career Assessment study, Psychiatrists tend to be Introverted–Intuitive–Feeling–Perceptive (INFPs). Ideal INFP matches include ENFJs and ENTJs.

What personality type are most surgeons?


Which personality type is the best?

Which Personality Type is Your Perfect Match?

  • The Champion – ENFP.
  • The Doer – ESTP.
  • The Supervisor – ESTJ.
  • The Commander – ENTJ.
  • The Thinker – INTP.
  • The Nurturer – ISFJ.
  • The Visionary – ENTP.
  • The Composer – ISFP. Despite being introverted by nature, an ISFP makes a very sociable and interactive partner.

Which personality type has the highest IQ?

It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs.

What is the kindest personality type?

i’d say isfj and infj are definitely the kindest. isfjs are genuinely devoted and warm, very loyal and just <33 pure. infjs are fully devoted to understanding and empathizing, so it’s only natural that they’re incredibly kind too. while i think infps and enfps are nice as well, i think it depends on the person.

What is the most dangerous personality type?


What was Hitler’s personality type?

What is the personality type of Adolf Hitler? Adolf Hitler was an INTJ 3wing4.

Which personality type has the most psychopaths?


Which personality type is the most emotional?

Those with high Fe (extroverted feeling) are going to appear the most emotional. Those with Fe in spot #1 are ENFJ and ESFJ. Those with Fe in spot #2 are INFJ and ISFJ. These four types will generally appear the most emotional.

What is the happiest MBTI?

5 Myers-Briggs Personality Types Who Have The Happiest Relationships, So Keep A Look Out

  • ESFJ. Santi Nunez/Stocksy. This personality type is known as the quintessential social butterfly.
  • INFJ. Clique Images/Stocksy.

What personality type lacks empathy?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow affect, glibness, manipulation and callousness.

Do thinkers cry?

ISTJs rarely let themselves cry and will usually bottle up their emotions. They dislike expressing themselves in front of others, and will often attempt to remain stoic. ISTJs definitely care about their loved ones, and will work hard to provide for them.

How do I know if I am a feeler or a thinker?

The primary difference between thinking judgments and feeling judgments is the nature of their evaluative criteria. As we will see, thinkers tend to use impersonal, logic-based criteria, while feelers consider tastes and feelings—both their own and others’—in making decisions.

Is it better to be a thinker or feeler?

If you mean in relation to MBTI personality assessment, the thinker/feeler attribute indicates how you mostly make decisions. Feeler types base decision making on how they imagine the outcome will feel. Thinker types base decisions on which logical decision would logically yield the better strategic position.

Are INTP emotionless?

In truth, INTPs are not as apathetic and unfeeling as they may appear. We’re uncomfortable with showing vulnerability and messy displays of emotion, but we’re not emotionless robots.

What does INTP hate?

Things the INTP Hates

  • When people believe illogical things.
  • Being forced to deal with lots of details.
  • Being pressured to talk about their feelings before they’re ready.
  • Having to make a decision before exploring all the possibilities.
  • Not getting enough alone time.

Why INTPs are dangerous?

yes, they are dangerous. They will exploit every weakness you have, including those that you never knew you have. They will do so methodically and ruthlessly unemotional. And they will remember everything you did wrong in the past and turn it against you.

Are INTPs good liars?

If the fit hits the shan, yes they can be excellent liars, because they have the ability to rapidly model several lies, pressure test them against scenarios several layers deep and generate very detailed awesome lies. If a regular lie looks like crayon stick figures, an INTP lie looks like a color laser printout.