How is a house divided in a divorce UK?

How is a house divided in a divorce UK?

In the UK, this is usually decided on a case by case basis but, in general, if your home is owned by your husband or wife but was lived in as your matrimonial home, it is usually considered a matrimonial asset, even if you didn’t contribute to its initial purchase, it may not be divided equally but you may be entitled …

Can I kick my wife out of the house is on my name?

The ex parte order forces the spouse to leave the dwelling in question regardless of which party holds the legal title to or is the lessee of the residence. A dwelling exclusion order, or kick out order, is a legal document that gives you the right to exclude your spouse from your home.

Can my wife change the locks on my house?

However the position can differ slightly depending on, which party legally owns the property. Both proprietors have the right to change the locks. If you change the locks, your spouse is entitled regain access to the property without your consent.

What do I do if my wife wants a divorce and I don t?

It’s natural that if you’re saying, “My wife wants a divorce and I don’t,” you will be feeling desperate to change how she feels immediately. However, desperation can lead to behaving in an insecure way, which will turn your wife off further and make her even more determined to go through with the divorce.